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Rākau Roroa Wellington Workshop

Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 March 2024.

Rākau Roroa is a mental health training programme, that trains and supports Tāngata mātau ā-wheako (people with Lived Experience of mental distress, addiction or substance use)  to embrace the mana of their Lived Experiences of mental distress and recovery to inspire others.  Rākau Roroa was created by Changing Minds and is led by people with their own journey of Lived Experience.   


It draws on over 20 years of wisdom and aims to give participants all the knowledge and tools they need to become part of a social movement to address self-stigma, prejudice and discrimination.   


By the end of the training, people are able to tell their own story and to champion positive mental health messages in their communities.  


Frequently Asked Questions  

  1. What does the course involve? 

    The workshop is a two-day programme. It comprises of a series of modules which tackle and share insights about human rights, discrimination, and wellbeing. The maximum number of participants is 12. 

  2. What will I do after the Rākau Roroa training?  
    Most people bring their own ideas of how to apply their newly learnt knowledge in their own communities. It is not for us to dictate what you do with your knowledge, only that you have the confidence and skills to be grounded in the core messages based on best practice that reduce self-stigma, prejudice and discrimination and increase inclusion.  

  3. Where is the training available?  
    A calendar of upcoming in-person and online courses is now available.  They will fill up fast so please apply before the deadline. 

  4. Is there a cost to do the training? 

    No, the workshops are fully funded. You just have to get there and be available for BOTH days of training. 

  5. What happens after the training?  

    You will join a national network of Tall Trees. We will run a number of personal development seminars for upskilling. The network exists as a means of support and networking.  

  6. For any questions on the training contact:  
    Email Project Lead, Andrea:   


February 27

Reflecting on the 2022-2023 Year at Changing Minds

April 13

Rākau Roroa Hawkes Bay Workshop