Mahia te mahi e ora ai ngā moemoeā | Projects
Bringing our voices to life by doing the do
We work in partnership with other tāngata mātau ā-wheako to develop community-driven and evidence-based education programmes and projects for all of Aotearoa to experience. Often this means embracing uncomfortable spaces, so we can create out-of-the-box solutions to ensure the aspirations of tāngata mātau ā-whēako are acted upon and drive transformational change.
He whai hua | Our Projects
We were delighted to collaborate on this project with Jared, an award-winning Tāngata Turi filmmaker with a strong focus on accessibility for the Deaf community. The videos he produced embrace Deaf Lived Experience to create culturally appropriate resources that educate, inform and inspire.
We're excited to now be able to share these six videos with you.
Leading the initiative to enhance effectiveness, professionalism, sustainability and the growth of peer support services in the gambling harm sector.
Rākau Roroa trains and supports a growing network of people who want to use their personal lived experience of mental distress and recovery to inspire others.
recoVRy is Changing Minds new virtual reality project. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of mental distress by allowing viewers to see things from the perspective of someone experiencing mental distress.
Whakatau Mai | The Wellbeing Sessions by Changing Minds is a wide range of free and online wellbeing sessions, helping to safely support your wellbeing from the comfort of your own space.
LookUp was a young people led event that brought together schools and people doing inspiring work in the youth wellbeing space.
This project was a collaborative school-based project to develop young people's skills and agency to positively influence structures of wellbeing at their school and in their wider communities.
Atawhai is a festival created to support much-needed education around suicide prevention, and to raise awareness of issues that affect our mental health and wellbeing. 2019 marks the festival’s fifth year.
Breathing Space was a 2018 creative-based programme for young people to express themselves, reflect on life, find their voice and grow their skills.
Te kāhui āwhina | Our Supporters
Our connections of support

Te reo tautoko | What people are saying
“Your opening keynote address at the eMental Health Congress was simply one of the main highlights of the day. We have received a lot of positive feedback. I also wish to acknowledge what you have done by way of innovation is truly remarkable and be in the know that you are making the difference.”
“I appreciated the kindness and care shown to the Whakatau Mai participants. I was impressed that there was a peer-to-peer facilitator available.”
“Whakatau Mai has changed my life.” “I feel like I am co-creating wellness with others.”
“The Whakatau Mai facilitators have established a light, open and friendly atmosphere for the groups to participate in.”
“Changing Minds do such incredible work and they receive bugger all funding. I know their staff work long hours willingly just to make sh* happen… Happy to help out.”
“Loved hearing about your work… Look forward to seeing more stories shared in due course.”
“Love your mahi.”
“Thanks for the recoVRy goggles at the Expert Forum. More importantly, thanks Taimi and the team for everything you do.”
“Thanks for the recoVRy goggles, display of exceptionally good forward thinking leadership.”
“Thank you for all that you do, especially during these tougher times.”
Āwhina atu, āwhina mai | Ways to support us
When you support us, you support the people

Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu | Donate
When you support us, you support real change, for real people.

Kōrero mai | Share your thoughts
We would love your thoughts on a few questions about our website that will help inform us on what you find useful, or not, so we can provide more relevant information to support you, your whānau, and community.