LookUp – young people’s wellbeing 2017

LookUp was part of the ADHB Child and Youth mental health strategy and used a collaborative and young people led approach to co-design an event that brings together schools, people and organisations doing inspiring work in the youth wellbeing space. 


LookUp 2017 was themed around ‘Wellbeing and Relationships’ and aimed to explore relationships by connecting young people and health professionals through a series of conversations, and by building resilience through relevant workshop content to assist young people in knowing how to navigate life experiences. 


Since 2015 LookUp has brought together over 500 young people from 20+ different schools to learn alongside peers and health professionals. 

LookUp’s key aims are: 

  • To engage a large and diverse group of young people in activities that would foster reflection of the relationships and support networks in their lives, and equip them with tools and resources, in a youth-development and strengths-focused manner – leading to positive health outcomes. 

  • To engage professionals to learn alongside young people, be positively influenced by a youth-leadership approach, to gain a deeper understanding of what is important to young people around their thinking of relationships and to be exposed to new tools and resources – leading to an increase in youth participation in the sector and youth-friendly approaches. 

  • To capture young people’s experiences and common themes on the day – leading to systemic advocacy and services that better reflect their needs.


Inside Out: A community wellbeing collaboration 2017