Insights | Experiences of Health in Aotearoa from a Lived Experience and Women’s* Perspective.

Thank you to everyone who contributed insights and experiences to this project.

Changing Minds was originally asked to gather feedback from women* (including gender diverse people) with Lived Experience to inform Manatū Hauora's Pae Ora Healthy Futures' Women's Health Strategy.

We had hoped for this to be a short summary but here we are just over 20 minutes. If you would like to jump ahead to our research questions, these start around 6:00 minutes, and some of the findings start around 8:00 minutes.

Subtitles are available for this overview.

Please note that this video talks about real experiences of healthcare in Aotearoa and does include references to eating disorders and mental distress.


What makes sharing Lived Experiences feel valued, meaningful and respected?


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