Night Flicks auction supports mental health

If you and your friends have always wanted to watch a Rugby World Cup final on one of the biggest screens in the country, then Matt O’Meeghan has the answer for you. 


The Night Flicks owner runs an outdoor cinema company based in the North Island and is auctioning off an opportunity to have a large screen Rugby World Cup final experience at the winning bidders North Island location of choice. 


The final, which is due to be screened on the 2 November 2019, will be played through the company’s inflatable screen measuring 8 metres by 6 metres – with all proceeds from the auction supporting national mental health charity, Changing Minds


Matt says he wanted to do something fun with his outdoor cinema around the World Cup, but also wanted to use the opportunity to draw attention to a worthy cause. 


“After deciding on an auction for viewing the Rugby World Cup final, it was just a case of deciding where the money should go,” he says. 


“As mental health is such a widespread issue around New Zealand, I asked friends and consulted Google to find an organisation that was doing great things in this space. 


“The fact Changing Minds covers such a broad range of areas was perfect and I think their progressive approach is awesome. The recoVRy project they are working on is just one testament to that.” 


Whether people bid as individuals or collectively as families, work colleagues and friends, Matt O’Meeghan hopes the auction would draw attention to the work of Changing Minds, as well as raise funds that will allow the organisation to continue programmes that are having positive impacts on individuals and families around New Zealand. 


Taimi Allan, CEO of Changing Minds says the team are humbled by Matt and Night Flicks reaching out to offer the organisation support for the work they do. 


“As a small organisation run entirely by people who have recovered from mental health and addiction, we are passionate about changing the way society sees mental health,” she says. “The proceeds from this auction will be going directly to projects like recoVRy which showcases real, interactive stories of recovery and leadership by those in our communities who have thrived despite challenge.” 


The auction is being run through Trade Me and closes at 10pm on 27 October 2019 


The screen being auctioned is the largest in Night Flick’s fleet and typically used for movie nights and private events. Night Flicks are only able to service the North Island due to transport limitations and are not able to set up this big-screen opportunity in the South Island. Any additional costs associated with delivering this experience are being covered by Night Flicks. 


recoVRy | our first virtual reality story


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