Statement from Changing Minds
In response to recent event where a youth was uplifted by police, misidentified and given antipsychotic medication. 25 March 2025.
We are aware of media articles this morning about a young person who was wrongfully identified by police and service providers and later restrained and given medication.
This story hurts deeply. Our hearts are firstly with the tāngata whaiora, their whānau and our Lived Experience community. Our Changing Minds whānau are here if we can support your wellbeing at this time.
Last month we sat before Health Select Committee and shared our community vision for a transformation wellbeing system, and the deep disappointment we have heard from the community that the Mental Health Bill will not substantially change experiences for Tāngata Mātau ā-wheako (people with Lived Experience of mental distress, addiction or substance use); and does not uphold our obligations to the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
You can watch our Select Committee presentation here.
Today we are reminded why this transformation is desperately needed. Others have and will speak to how the system has failed these tāngata whaiora and their whānau. A system under-resourced and under strain does not support person centered actions or encourage person centered reform.
We are outraged that this has happened, and that traumatic experiences are still happening at times people most need support and care. But as a society we need to question why we are outraged by this event? Is it because of the age of those involved? Experiences of uplift, seclusion and restraint are sources of deep hurt and trauma for many Tāngata Mātau ā-wheako regardless of their label, diagnosis, presentation or other intersectionality; yet most do not see the amount of kōrero we’ve seen this morning.
It is time we have an open and honest conversation about our national attitudes on mental health prejudice, discrimination and self-stigma and challenge our assumptions about risk. We also need to recognise how pressures on time, resource and facilities contribute to how we think about, and act on risk.
Everyone has the right to physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and cultural safety and wellbeing. Changing Minds wants to see a future where services and workforces are supported and resourced to provide holistic alternatives to restraint and seclusion, that provides everyone involved the space to understand the needs of the individual and their whānau, before escalating to actions that breach our fundamental rights. It is not just about adding services and resource; it’s about doing the fundamentals of well-being care well. A transformative system is interconnected, and responsive to the needs of the individual and communities.
Changing Minds will be watching the investigation of this event and Lived Experience communities must be included in the of this - but it’s time for more than assigning blame, investigation and review. We need to commit to change and act on the guidance of Lived Experience communities shared in He Ara Oranga, The Royal Inquiry into Abuse in State Care, and multiple other reviews.
For media inquiries please contact:
Megan Elizabeth
Engagement and Insights Manager
For wellbeing support and resources: