Ko wai te whānau nei | Who is Changing Minds?
We are a national not-for-profit organisation, proudly led and operated entirely by people who have navigated their own lived experience journey through mental health and addiction.
Tō mātou whāinga matua | What we do
We embrace and nurture whānau mātau ā-wheako to embrace the mana of their lived experiences as a source of collective strength to activate equitable wellbeing across all of Aotearoa.
We work in the broad area of hauora services, advocacy, human rights, and health policy, and we collect, articulate, and activate the strategic voice of lived experience.
Mā ngā uara mātou e ārahi | Our Values
Driven by our passion, guided by our values
Ngākaupono | Absolute integrity
We fight for what is right, we stand for what is true, we are driven by our pursuit of equitable wellbeing for all of Aotearoa.
Hei tiaki | To protect what is sacred
We acknowledge all lived experiences as a taonga. We protect and nurture these taonga throughout our journey together with all whānau as a source of mana.
He mana tō te kōrero | Words hold great power
We tell our stories, we speak as one, we support the voices of whānau to be heard.
Tino-rangatiratanga | Leaders of our own pathway
We recognise whānau mātau ā-wheako as the leaders of their own journey, just as we are of ours.
Whanaungatanga | Connection and identity
Our unique experiences, relationships and connections allow us all to find our own individual identity within one united whānau.
Te reo tautoko | What people are saying
Mahia te mahi e ora ai ngā moemoeā | Featured Projects
Ways we can support you on your journey
Te reo āwhina | Our Stories
There is healing found through sharing our voices
Tūtaki mai, tūtaki atu | Upcoming Events
Opportunities to connect
Te kāhui āwhina | Our Supporters
Our connections of support
Āwhina atu, āwhina mai | Ways to support us
When you support us, you support the people
Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu | Donate
When you support us, you support real change, for real people.
Kōrero mai | Share your thoughts
We would love your thoughts on a few questions about our website that will help inform us on what you find useful, or not, so we can provide more relevant information to support you, your whānau, and community.